Virtual exhibition

Look out! Masterpieces, The heritage department celebrates 20 years

June 1st – September 30th

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Maison's Heritage Department, discover 20 masterpieces of the decorative arts extracted from our archives in a virtual exhibition.

Chosen from a collection of 35,000 archives, they represent much more than a decorative trend at a given moment !

Concerned with passing on this common heritage, the Maison Pierre Frey created the Heritage Department in 2003. Its mission is to preserve this fragile heritage, as well as reissuing and studying it. The works presented in the exhibition reflect this threefold project :

▪ To preserve the history of the Pierre Frey's maisons, the traditional know-how, the history of colors, the memory of uses as well as contemporary creation.

▪ To inspire the design studio and clients in search of authenticity and originality.

▪ To transmit History, the one of tastes and to offer a field of sociological reflection on decorative practices between recycling, cultural hybridization and the circulation of models.